Hiring and working abroad made easy!

Triplonia Manpower is connecting foreign employers and African jobseekers globally.

Find a Job Abroad

Work as a cook, cleaner, driver, warehouse worker, farm worker, caregiver, factory worker, mechanic etc.

Hire From Africa

Cooks, cleaners, drivers, warehouse workers, farm workers, caregivers, factory workers, mechanics, janitors, construction workers etc.

Top Industries For our services

Triplonia Manpower receives new job openings every single day, from companies in the hospitality, transportation, logistics, engineering, health, financial service sectors etc. Contact us and we will get you a job.


Caregiving industry is an ever growing sector as more people grow older.


Transportation industry is one of the key sectors in high demand.


Qualified healthcare professionals are always in high demand.


Top financial institutions are always looking out for our skilled manpower.


Hospitality sector is one of the most employable sectors worldwide.


Our pool of qualified manpower are in high demand in this sector.

Are you an African Job Seeker?

We believe that every individual possesses the potential to make a meaningful impact in the workplace when placed in the appropriate company. The key is identifying that company. You might have already found the one that suits you perfectly or might require our assistance to explore what lies ahead, whatever the case is; we will help find a job for you in Europe, UK, Canada, USA, Australia and Asia.

Are you an African Job Seeker?

We believe that every individual possesses the potential to make a meaningful impact in the workplace when placed in the appropriate company. The key is identifying that company. You might have already found the one that suits you perfectly or might require our assistance to explore what lies ahead, whatever the case is; we will help find a job for you in Europe, UK, Canada, USA, Australia and Asia.

How it Works

Start Your Recruiting and Working Abroad in 4 Easy Steps.


Register your request on our website indicating your preferences.


Our team will review your request and get back to you within 24 - 72 hours.


Once we secure a job with accommodation waiting for you, you can move abroad.


You arrive at your new country and place of work, you settle down and resume.

What we can do for you?

Our goal is to help connect companies in Europe, Canada, USA, Australia and Asia with qualified African jobseekers interested in working abroad in factories, warehouses, construction, caregiving homes, restaurants, hotels, farms etc.

African American bank manager having an interview with her clients and filing paperwork during the meeting.

Choose a Trusted Hiring Company

Some of the top skills our employers are looking for

Auto Mechanics

Employers are constantly looking out for auto mechanics.

Construction Workers

Employers are always looking out for construction workers.


Are you passionate about managing & assisting the elderly?

Taxi Drivers

Do you know driving job is very lucrative in Europe, Canada, USA?

warehouse Workers

There are unlimited demands for warehouse workers in Europe.

customer Relations

Are you passionate about attending to clients and serving people?

Farm Workers

Our team will get you a farm job in Europe, Canada, Australia, USA.


Do you have great cooking skills and is ready to serve?

Cleaning Workers

Are you passionate about keeping the environment clean?

Talk to Us!

Do you have questions and want to reach out to us? follow any of the options below to contact us and our support team will reach back to you within 24 – 48 hours.

Head Office

Suite 403 A, Midel Center, Off Oladipo Diya Street Abuja, Nigeria

Mailing Address


Business Talk

+234 8053700107
+234 7034278398

I am a jobseeker from Africa

Are you an African looking for a  job in Europe, UK, USA, Canada or Australia or Asia? If YES then fill the form and we will get back to you.

Are you an African Job Seeker?

Fill up this form and we'll contact you within 24 - 48 hours.

First and Last Name
First and Last Name
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